Think Like an Awakened African Woman: Resilience. Faith. Self-Awareness (Part two)
I've always been told that a woman's role is to be masked, hidden, and manipulative to get a husband, a job, and a place in marriage, family, community, society & humanity. From a young age, I learned about relationships and family dynamics, realizing that relationships are for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Embracing solitude and peace at each phase became my superpower. Traveling and observing families globally, I noticed that many relationships were transactional, outdated, based on lies and toxic. There were a few that were healing and evolving, especially when one of the partner is awakened enough to lead the other that knows their limitations & they work as partners in a healthy relationship.
My background, shaped by caregivers and the impact of a socialist revolution on my family, taught me the complexity of the global world. I thrived as part of a community, choosing to live comfortably with or without family or friends. Committed partnerships reflected my deepest emotions and helped me grow. Connected to God's universe, I felt alive and purposeful as a Habesha woman since inception. I remember very early in my childhood having so much compassion, aliveness, joy, and spirited for being on earth. I felt I belonged in ever phase in my life, bringing together a diverse group of people, despite their reservations & fears.
My father at my MBA graduation I threw for my family, friends and support globally, in his speech said, "This child demanded to be born, raised herself, she fought for her right to exist, and told us how she wanted to be treated. This is her success."
Considering my religion and spirituality was inspired by my upbringing that was an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian, having been raised by awakened powerful fathers, knowing my feminine divinity, I mourned to know deep within after a couple of committed relationships in my 20s that traditional marriage, forcing childing into this world, and creating a family I was programed to create was not my calling. Instead, in prayer, meditation & lent, walking the bible on pilgrimage, and being re-baptised in river Jordan & the Ganges river, I was lead to focus on partnerships that healed one another, be part of evolving in Gods universe, interconnected, and in service. I felt worthy enough to commit to sustainable projects that I choose, fail, try, fail, and be in uncomfortable life situations as my authentic self, and trust Gods process, especially in Africa, to unchain my heart of everything that was not love.
I felt called, chosen, passionate, purpose drive, and lead to surrender to God to a life I needed, not a life I wanted. I finally chose to create "deldeyoch," a company to serve Africa, leaving a wealthy & safe lifestyle, to live my way of integrity. Researching and structuring my business plan for "deldeyoch," I traveled throughout Africa & Ethiopia, seeking to understand, grieve, network, and change my mindsets as well as others in service. I was disheartened by the Western world's narrative about Africa, outdated institutions that did not serve us, as well as how most of us as Africans & woman believed the history we were told by an ego driven humanity.
My Ethiopian uncolonized genetics, and my American sense of freedom to be whoever I choose to be, as well as my successful life, was inspired, challenged, uncomfortable, tested, triggered, and provoked living, working, socializing and dating in Africa, specifically in Ethiopia. As a seeker of truth, travelling, inner engineering, exploring in Africa, Europe, Ethiopia, the middle east, Asia and the Americas breaking bread with my fellow humans. It was heartbreaking the bias narrative of who we are as black people, driven by an educational system, & academic knowledge driven by the funding of the West. There was a colonial negative narrative of what it means to be black and a woman, as well as the destruction of the truth, biased global policies, & the suppression of ancient healing rituals of our ancestors that lead one to the awareness, & knowledge that you are enough & worth just by being human.
Humanity as a collective egoic-minded false state energy had systematically taken away our integrity, destroyed mother earth, separated us from knowing our oness, and filled our feminine divinity with pain bodies in survival and armour. Our fears, impulsive mind, insecurity, doubt, expectations, attachments, and codependency in outdated institutions that control our mindset had become our prison. Mothers have become abusive, forceful, violate, competitive, toxic & raise their children in anxiety, stress & depressed, as hurt woman raise hurt children in this unpredictable world, creating a cycle of trauma bonded humanity, in ancestors traps.
In Ethiopia, I observed that a civil war within and outside ourselves hindered growth. Mental colonization and desensitization by war perpetuated negative stories about eachother. There was no room for a spirited, highly educated, professional, weird, soft, empowered, & authentic habesha woman who knows her worth. I embraced my heritage and demanded space in my ancestor's continent, passionate to spread the awareness that being human was a gift, blessing and wealth. I chose to face my fears, shadow and darkness within, to unchain all that was not love. I discovered all that was hidden within me.
Africa is rising, and it is crucial to maintain integrity, sustainability, and equality. This is not about capitalism or GDP but learning from history, forgiveness, and creating a New Earth where everyone is worthy of being human. We must remember the magic of being a human being.
My father's discipline and my mother's fears taught me to strategize and stay vigilant, becoming self-sufficient by fourteen. Balancing masculine and feminine energies, I thrived in a blend of ancient civilization and modern society.
Facing life's challenges alone as a woman, I found support & healing from teachers, friends, books, partners, education, travels, strangers, mentors, creative writing, nature, & stillness. Each obstacle, failure, abandonment & rejection taught me to embrace failure, forgive my darkness, be sharp, aware, grounded in God, vigilant within, feel all my emotions, and navigate relationships with myself and others, forgiving myself, letting God lead the way. I focused on healing, spreading love, being focused, alert, at peace, in joy, and being in light, to navigate life. Failure deepened my self-love, learn profound lessons, & helped me set boundaries, let go, fall unconditionally inlove in my silence & bliss, to get insight to strategies.
Traveling to over 30 countries, completing over 15 unique projects, building a global network, seeking truth, sharing my knowledge generously, being part of creating socially responsible associations, mentoring the youth, & being my authentic self, I embraced my humanity in gratitude, mindful, private, & grounding in God. Shedding my past separate egoic identity, embracing my shadow, & soothing my darkness, I found balance, alignment, love, and peace in solitude, interconnected in my oness, as well as multidimensional in my consciousness.
I demonstrated that a young African woman can succeed globally, face colorism, sexism, racism, scapegoated by family, and social bullying, and still serve both continents authentically, facing my fears. I forgave myself, my parents, ancestors, and others that did not know. At each phase seeking my supportive tribe, choosing to be part of healing myself & Gods universe in service, in a spiritual purpose driven life in the 21st century. Power outside is temporary, as it takes mental calculation, being empowered, sharp & inlove within brings peace, bliss, creativity, serenity & insight that is true wealth, health & wisdom.
The greatest challenges are the need to belong, fear of failure, attachments, the fear of change, & being abandoned by loved ones for being our authentic self, that keeps us stuck, bitter, resentful, compromising & vengeful, as hurt people hurting others. Forgive yourself, move on, let go, dye before you dye, start new, and let God lead your spirit. I promise you surrendering to God, going through the darkness of the unknown alone, you will find your bliss & peace. All emotions, thoughts, fears, happiness & rage, as well as grief are temporary, feel it all, be patient, & do not be impulsive in your reaction. You are more powerful than you think, this too shall pass.
Other peoples hate, violence, disrespect, lies, mind games, attack, betrayal, deciet, abandonment, rejection, manipulation and theft, including your parents, sibblings, best friends & partners are not personal. Your responsibility is learning lessons needed to be sharp, aware, kind, mindful, have boundaries, conscious & detach, forgive yourself, and to update, learn the lessons, & move on.
Humanity is evolving, shedding egos, facing shadows, and embracing our highest potential. With truth, integrity, and purpose, we heal and transform as awakened African women, taking our place on Earth as healers. Not in self destruction in armour, ego, & survival, but in truth, integrity, faith, forgiving ourself, love, power, dying to our past egoic identity, & reset, to rebirth & evolve, to be part of creating a New Earth.
Who will you become when faced with your shadow, ego, abandonment, demons, failure, and challenges?
By Dutchess@deldeyoch
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